12 Foods That Will Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Millions of people have high and dangerous levels of cholesterol in their bodies and more than a third of them are at risk of suffering heart disease.  As it stands, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world today and because of this fact, it’s definitely worth finding out ways in which you could lower your risk of the disease so that you get to live longer.

elow are 12 foods you should eat so that you lower your cholesterol levels:

1.Oily fish

If you’re one of those people who isn’t particularly a big fan of fish realize that it is in your best interest to change that since fish has a lot of benefits that promote your overall health. Swapping your regular meat for oily fish such as salmon around two to three times a week gives your body that Omega-3 boost that is necessary for your cholesterol levels to be reduced. Omega-3 protects your heart from any abnormal rhythms while at the same time it reduces the triglycerides that are found in your bloodstream too. Sardines, tuna, salmon and anchovy are other alternatives to salmon.

