25 Foods to Avoid With Kidney Disease

Whole Wheat Bread

White bread is better for kidney disease patients. The more bran and whole grains in the bread, the higher the phosphorus and potassium levels.

Pickled Foods, Relishes, and Olives

Large amounts of sodium added during the pickling process make these a certain no-no in a kidney-healthy diet. Even the reduced-sodium varieties contain more sodium than a diseased kidney should contend with. It’s better to stay away from these foods altogether to promote healthy kidney filtration.

Specific Cereals

Of course, if whole grains are unhealthy for a diseased kidney, it stands to reason that cereals high in bran, wheat, oatmeal, and granola might be unhealthy as well. Especially with the added calcium in dairy products. Choose instead a nice warm bowl of grits or cornmeal.