30 DIY Hanging Planter Ideas to Hang Plants Indoor or Outdoor

20. Hanging Planter with Chicken Wire and Moss

Decorate your entrance or front door with a super adorable planter. You don’t need to hang this planter using hooks or nails. Well, this planting container is an ideal option for welcoming the spring season into full swing. So, make it with chicken wire, moss, a hanger, a hot glue gun, plants, planting soil, a plier and a wire cutter. The whole thing you need to do is gluing the moss on the chicken wire with a hot glue gun. 

21. Easy DIY Hanging Planters

DIY super easy hanging planters for indoor and outdoor decor with this plan. You can make these containers using scrap and leftover supplies instead of buying new ones. It would be best to specify the location where you want to install the planter before collecting supplies. Once you have decided, use wood scrap, wood glue, power drill, wood stain, terra cotta pot, jute twine, scissor, craft paints, paintbrush and a potted plant.