Cheesy Garlic Parmesan Spinach Spaghetti Squash

I’m a really big fan of using an entire package of fresh spinach in a single recipe.
Whether it’s on a tasty flatbread pizza, stuffed into peppers, tossed into a healthy salad, or swirled into an easy cheesy dip, I feel an epic sense of accomplishment if I can fit the entire package into my face somehow.
Not that spinach ever really goes to waste here, but there’s much less margin for error if you use every little bit of that box-o-spinach.
No stray leaves to accidentally forget about, no 1/4 empty box taking up precious fridge space, and no baggies of spinach growing legs next to that partially chopped onion you also forgot about… haha not that I would know from experience or anything.
Ok fine, I’ve totally been there! We all have, right?
Besides, if you use the whole package you not only make Popeye proud, but I’m sure your parents can somehow sense that you’re eating a whole boatload of veggies and are super duper happy about it.
Do it for the parents! Eat all the spinach!
We can start with this easy cheesy stuffed spaghetti squash. YUM!

