Want an easy stuffing recipe that can be made ahead of time and takes just a few minutes? Try my delicious Easy Sage and Onion Stuffing Balls recipe that has been in my family for decades!

This Easy Sage and Onion Stuffing Balls recipe has been in my family for years – decades in fact. Mum and Dad would often make it for our Sunday roast and especially at Christmas. The smell of sweet cooked onions mingled with sage has always been a quintessential part of Christmas for me since childhood.

This Easy Sage and Onion Stuffing Balls recipe is the perfect accompaniment to roast chicken, roast turkey or roast duck. I love shaping this delicious stuffing mix into cute little balls and cooking them separately. Cooking them separately means they cook really quickly and go super crispy on the outside.

This is also perfect if you have vegetarian guests, as it means they can enjoy this gorgeous stuffing too.

If you prefer, however, you can of course use the Easy Sage and Onion Stuffing mixture to stuff the neck cavity of a turkey, or to stuff the main cavity of a chicken or duck. Do remember to weigh your bird once stuffed and calculate the cooking time based on the stuffed weight.

Let’s get to the recipe.

