Easy Homemade Apple Fritters


“I did not make the apple fritters my girlfriend did, I did eat them though, we forgot to do a count so I can’t tell you how many were made, something like 15 so that’s what I added for servings”

Just a few pantry staples and a handful of apples are all you need to earn yourself warm, fragrant, decadent Apple Fritters.

The way I see it, a homemade sweet of some sort beats a pre-packaged cookie, sweet, candy or (gasp) Tastykake. As a gal from Philly, talking any kind of trash on any sort of Tastykake can get me into trouble, lol!

It only takes 10 minutes to make the batter as well as peel and chop the apples.

And just 3 minutes to make the glaze and a few minutes to fry them. Just like that you will be enjoying these hot, scrumptious, Apple Fritters. And you will definitely be licking your fingers!

