I make this dish often; I have never really measured the ingredients, but can give you a reasonable approximation. Note: Freeze leftover cooking liquid, and then add to bean soup, ham or cabbage dishes, or use to cook dumplings in. It’s delicious! The Amazing Crock Pot Ham, Green Beans and Potatoes! This simple recipe is perfect for a great weeknight or anytime family dinner. Slow cookers are the answer to busy evenings, and this easy dish assembles in just minutes. Onions, green beans and ham combine together in the slow cooker with just enough water to cover—three to four hours later, dinner is ready, and because it was all cooked in one pot, cleanup is a snap as well. “I make this dish often; I have never really measured the ingredients, but can give you a reasonable approximation. Note: Freeze leftover cooking liquid, and then add to bean soup, ham or cabbage dishes, or use to cook dumplings in. It’s delicious!”